Global Cancer Consortium – Membership

Institutional Membership

Criteria and Application Process

The Global Cancer Consortium is governed by designated faculty of its member organizations that form the Executive Steering Committee. The executive steering committee is the administrative, planning, and decision-making committee with voting privileges. The decision to accept new cancer centers and education institutions into membership is made by the executive steering committee. 

Internationally recognized cancer centers and educational institutions in good standing* and with professional accreditation** may be considered for primary membership of the Global Cancer Consortium. Primary members have voting privileges and access to all programs of the consortium.

Cancer centers and education institutions that meet the above criteria for primary membership, but opt out or are not considered for participation as Primary members, may be considered for affiliate membership. Affiliate members have access to the education programs of the consortium, but do not have voting privileges in consortium committee decisions.

The membership application and approval process will be open throughout the year to prospective cancer centers and educational institutions that are duly accredited, in good standing, and actively involved in cancer research, education and treatment.

The application process involves sending an email to Dr. Erin Oakley, expressing interest in, and reason for, joining the consortium and including an institutional weblink, along with three names and high-resolution professional photographs of institutional leadership who will participate in the activities of the consortium. The executive steering committee shall determine whether an applicant center or institution is eligible for primary membership. There are no membership dues or any other fees.

*Good standing implies compliance with explicit obligations while not being subject to any sanction, suspension or disciplinary censure.

**Below are the professional accreditations of the Primary Members.

  • Saroj Gupta Cancer Center is accredited by ESMO as a designated cancer center of Integrated Oncology and Palliative Care.
  • Markey Cancer Center is an NIH/NCI-designated Cancer Center.
  • Manipal Comprehensive Cancer Care Centre, Kasturba Medical College and Hospital, MAHE, is accredited by ESMO as a designated cancer centre of Integrated Oncology and Palliative Care.
  • Tata Memorial Centre is recognized for cancer education and research by WHO, IAEA and UICC. Tata Memorial Hospital is a post-graduate teaching centre. Tata Memorial Centre is also an European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) designated cancer center of Integrated Oncology and Palliative Care.
  • Mayo Clinic Cancer Center is an NIH/NCI-designated comprehensive cancer center.
Individual Membership

Please fill the Membership Registration Form to join the Global Cancer Consortium South Asia Chapter. GCC Members List can be found here.

Membership fees can be paid using the QR code in the Membership Form. Alternately, you can use the Bank information below to pay the fees.

Account Name – GCC South Asia Chapter
Account Number –  5389264986
Bank Name – Central Bank of India
Branch Name –  ACTREC, Kharghar
IFSC Code – CBIN0284047
MICR Code – 400016114

For more information contact:

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